System Synergetic Formation of Society 5.0 for Development of Vital Spaces on Basis of Ecological Economic and Social Programs

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Evgeniy Bryndin

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Published: 30 October 2018 | Article Type :


World social trend for the current period is formation of society 5.0. Strategy of creation of intellectual society (Society 5.0) was for the first time developed by the Japanese government with active participation of the Japanese association of large business of “Keydanren”. First of all it is necessary to create society in which comfortably to everyone. Any person can and wants to take active part in society life. Important aspect of society 5.0 is creation of equal opportunities for all and also providing the environment for realization of potential of each person. In Society 5.0 by means of technologies it is necessary to remove physical, administrative and social barriers to self-realization of the person and development of technologies and to lead to steady social and economic growth. The purpose of Society 5.0 at the level of authorities — to set the direction of technological development and to motivate the large companies on creation of socially oriented technologies by means of which private corporations and businessmen make the contribution to improvement of life of people. The mankind crossed line of technological development when the Planet became vulnerable. Will help to rescue mankind from an ecological disaster, ecological thinking and behavior of people, and their ecological responsibility, the moral relation to the nature; harmonization of vital system by waste-free industrial cycles of the combined productions; eco-world formation. The problem of global ecological stabilization can be solved by implementation of social and economic interdisciplinary programs, such as, first, the ecological program “Clean Air, Clear Water, Pure Food, Net Energy, Pure Cities and Villages, Pure Nature”, secondly, the program of development ecological and health the preserving with the filled economy resources, thirdly, the “Development Health of the Preserving Medicine and Health System” program, fourthly, the program of the ecological focused interdisciplinary education, fifthly, the program of peaceful, humane environmental policy, sixthly, the program of civil education of harmonious life for a sustainable development, seventhly, the program of formation of fair democracy as way of life of society. Social and economic programs for stabilization of ecology need to be realized under the competent direction and control of the institutionalized infrastructure of scientific and educational society and on the basis of ecological thinking and behavior of all segments of the population. World community will have to undertake decisive measures to stabilize the environmental ecological processes in order to keep modern and future generations supplied with a harmony between the meeting of their reasonable needs, social and economic problems decision, with the life on the Earth being preserved.

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How to Cite


Evgeniy Bryndin. (2018-10-30). "System Synergetic Formation of Society 5.0 for Development of Vital Spaces on Basis of Ecological Economic and Social Programs." *Volume 2*, 4, 12-19